In Bajra crop, diseases like Gundia or Chepa, Argat and Jogia (Green Bali), and termites and white braided outbreaks are common. Therefore, for the prevention of pests and diseases, land and seed treatment was found very beneficial in Bajra.
Diseases and prevention of millet crop
Disease and prevention of millet crop is as follows -
Green Bali disease or Jogia (Green Year) -
The main symptoms of this disease appear on the inflorescence. Disease-affected plants stop growth, leaves become yellow, brownish white fungi emerge under the leaves, and green thread-like fibers appear in the place of the rash and the entire earring is small green leaves-like structures. A bunch of looks. Therefore, due to this symptom, this disease is known as 'Hari Bali'.
- To prevent this disease, the seed should be fed with 6 grams of apron sd. Treat at the rate of 35 per kg of seed.
- In the standing crop, the symptoms of this disease are seen, after 21 days of sowing in the fields, spray two kilograms of Mancozeb fungicide.
- Remove the diseased plants from the grazing crop.
- Anti-RhB varieties 30, W.C.C. 75, Raj. Sow 171 etc.
- The crop cycle is also helpful in the prevention of this disease.
Gundia or Chepa disease (Argut)
The symptoms of this disease appear on the earrings at the time of flowering. If there is light rain and cloudiness during flowering on the seats, gum emerges on the stones. First, the honey-colored liquid in the form of small droplets from the infected spikas of Bali starts seeping from the sitta, which then spreads over the entire sitta in the form of brown viscous fluid. In the site of disease, small purple-brown to dark brown irregular structures are called ergot. The patient comes out from the spores of sclerosium fungus in the middle of the grain 10-15 days after the juices are released on the earrings, thus the entire citte starts to look like black mouth.
- For the control of ergot disease, soak the seeds in 20% salt solution (1 kg salt / 5 liters water) for 5 minutes, wash them and dry them. After the above treatment, cultivate 3 kg of thyram per kg of seed.
- To protect the standing crop from ergot disease, sprinkle two kilograms of Mancozeb fungicide 2-3 at an interval of 3 days as soon as symptoms appear or when the condition comes out.
- Argat disease is also spread by blister beetle or chaper beetle, so to prevent it while coming to citrus, carboril dust 5 per cent should be dabbed at the rate of 25 kg per hectare.
- Uproot and destroy diseased plants and in the field where the disease has occurred, do not plant millet crop next year.
- In summer, deep plowing destroys spores of fungi.
Bajra kandwa (smut) disease
It is a soilless disease that originates from condoms lying in the ground. Symptoms of the disease appear scattered in the black spots of the sitta, but most of the rash survives, sometimes only one rash is present in the sitta. The diameter of the rash is two times that of a normal rash. The patients fall into the ground from the pit and spread their spores by reaching healthy plants at the time of spore germination.
- Uproot and destroy patient sittas and use healthy certified seeds only.
- Take up farming activities like summer deep plowing, field cleaning, cropping cycle etc.
- Two sprays of 0.25% solution (2.5 kg per hectare) of all-round fungicidal drug- Vitavax or Plantavex, etc., should be done as soon as symptoms of the disease are seen, the first one after the release of most of the sits and the second after 10 days.
- Antibiotic variety RCB 2 should be sown.
Major pests of Bajra and their prevention
White Braided - This is an underground insect whose brakes harm the crop by eating the roots of the plants.
Termite - It is also an omnivorous insect found in the soil, which damages the crop by eating the roots of plants.
Underground insect prevention
- Where there is a special outbreak of white braided, to prevent it, sow 3 kg of Carbofuron 3% or Qinalphos 5% of the particles in one kg of seed and treat the land at the rate of 10-g 25 kg per hectare of forage before sowing.
- The seeds were given imidacloprid 3 to prevent termites. Treat with seed rate per kilogram or methyl perathion dust 2 percent or qinalphos 1.5 percent powder at the rate of 25 kg per hectare and mixed before sowing in the soil.
- To reduce termite infestation, collect and remove dried stalks etc. from the field, do not use raw manure etc. are very helpful.
- In the standing crop, 4 liters of chlorpyriphos or 2.5 liters of fipronil per hectare are very helpful when there is an outbreak of white braided and termite.
- As soon as an outbreak of the Chefer Beetle, Blister Beetle and Year Head Bug Pests appears, quench the Qalanfoss 1.5% or MP Dust 2% at the rate of 25 kg / ha.