Kinova is a crop. Kinova is the main food crop of Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador countries of South America in the world. It can be grown from sea level to 2000-4000 meters. Despite all these characteristics, Kinova is still a useful crop in the country. It can be grown in India during winter (November to March) according to the climate suitable for Kinova. Presently, Kinova is being grown by farmers at some places in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
Nutritional value of kinova
Kinova is mainly grown for grains. The donations of Kinova are significantly more nutritious than other crops. Its plants and leaves can also serve as green fodder. World-class studies show that the donations of Kinova are significantly superior to other crops in nutritional status. Its grains contain an average of 13.8 percent protein and 51 to 61 percent sugars. The fiber content has also been found to be 4.1 percent. Vitamins, mineral elements, etc. are also abundant in Kinova grains.
Health benefits of Kinova
- All nine types of essential amino acids are available in abundance in Kinova. These quality whole proteins have special importance in the diet of vegetarian people.
- Fibers are abundant in Kinova. Fibers are helpful in controlling blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol and controlling body weight.
- Kinova is naturally gluten free which is completely safe for people allergic to gluten.
- The grains of Kinova have a very low glycemic index (about 53). Thus, diabetes prevents heart disease and obesity. But the excess of carbohydrate is not so useful for those who have to take low carbohydrate food.
- Kinova is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and copper. Vitamin B and E are also present in sufficient quantity in its grains. Omega fatty acids (fatty acids) are also found in some quantities.
- It is also rich in flavonoids called "quentin" and "campharol" which are quite beneficial as anti-bacterial anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-cancer.